Herunterladen And I Love You The Most By W. Winters Pdf Ebook


Herunterladen And I Love You The Most By W. Winters Pdf Ebook

Genre : Zeitgenössisch ,Bücher ,Liebesromane ,Thriller An epic tale of both betrayal and all-consuming love...
Marcus, the villain.
Cody Walsh, the FBI agent who knows too much.
And Delilah, the lawyer caught in between.

This is the third and final book in the This Love Hurts trilogy.



Who will be standing in the end?

The anticipation of what is to come and what will happen between Cody, Marcus and Delilah finally is revealed in And I Love You the Most. Poor Delilah has the grueling decision of choosing who she loves the most. Marcus or Cody? Delilah has reached the point of no return. What she once knew as normality and being on the right side of the law is all out the door. She is paying for her association to Marcus in a way no one should. Will she survive this? Who will save her in the end? So much of more of Marcus is revealed in this book and you find yourself on an emotional roller coaster as you live through Marcus's pain and what made him who is today. However, under all that mystery of being the devil, the grim reaper, the ultimate villain lays a man who is damaged beyond belief. Can the love for a woman end his his days of darkness and bring him to the light? Poor Cody has the most to loose. With the police breathing down his neck, attempting to frame him for all of Marcus's doings, Cody is slowing loosing his creditability. Those he once could count on are drifting away from him and in the end he may be the loneliest of them all. You will not believe the way it all ends. Two of three come out surrounded with love and healing while another is left behind in the darkness willowing in regret and "What ifs." Wow what an ending Willow Winters has given us.


Loved This Trilogy

And I Love You The Most picks right back up at the cliffhanger from Book 2. This trilogy was truly amazing and kept me reading, almost nonstop, through all three books. Delilah is gone! We have no idea where she is, who has her, or will they get to her in time. We learn more about Marcus, his childhood, and it helps you understand more about the man he has become. Then we have Special Agent Cody Walsh and his secrets which he finally spills to Delilah. They both have contacts that they use to try to locate her, but it doesn’t happen right away. That leaves Marcus and Cody to blame themselves for her disappearance and they both think they are no good for her. One actually leaves, so you will have to wait to see who that is and what the fallout is with him being gone. After everything comes out, what will happen to Delilah, Marcus, and Cody? This is an amazing trilogy and Winter outdone herself with this story.


Loved it !

If you’ve read any of her other books this just makes so much sense! It all came together. Now I’m racing to read every other book connected.


Stunning conclusion!

Thrilling conclusion to this stellar romance suspense! I had no idea how this would turn out with the three characters connected in an unusual way. It's dangerous and suspenseful and sexy. Delilah is torn between two Alphas that are similar but seemingly on opposite sides of the law. From the start I loved the hunky lawman Cody with his fierce determination to get the bad guys. A dreamy hero in every sense of the word. But there is something undeniable about the villain Marcus. Hidden in the shadows doing shadowy things but always there for Delilah. But which side is he on? A vicious killer or a hero who's means justify the ends? Regardless he's one sexy beast and has Delilah panting at every turn. Both in lust and in fear. And Marcus' real identity is fully realized and all his story revealed. Excruciating! What's excruciating is the nail biting conclusion to Delilah's dangerous situation. With both her heroes on a round-the-clock hunt to find her. They have to save her! It's intense as the hunt unveils the fiends responsible and the press for time before it's too late. The guy that gets to her is not surprising but what comes after sets up for a shocking outcome. For me anyway. What's exciting is the ending that sets up for the next story. I can't wait for it! This is a fantastic series full of sexy love, dangerous intrigue, heinous villains, and heart pounding suspense. Might be my favorite from this talented author. Absolutely stunning!


Loved this book the most!

This was the final book in this trilogy, so you must read This Love Hurts and But I Need You first. After reading the first two books, I was hoping all the pieces would come together and they did for me. I loved this book the most out of all three of them, because it did mostly all come together. When Marcus finally told his story/past and not just hints, it broke my heart and made me teary. Delilah was a strong character from start to finish. Delilah and Marcus had an “intense pull and spark between” them, but can she love all of him when she finds out all of his sins and demons? Even though the “heat and intensity between [them was] raw and fragile [yet] so easily broken,” are they actually meant for each other and can they make it work? Take this rollercoaster of a ride and find out, because I was left with a smile on my face yet shocked at the lead up to the next books in this author’s Merciless world! I requested and received an advanced copy of this ebook for my honest review that I am voluntarily leaving.


Epically wonderful

Each time a chapter closes in this wonderful book world, a new book opens and you’re left feeling mostly satisfied but forever craving more. I’m speechless on how she does this! I’m not sure how to review this to it’s full potential without giving anything away. Telling you how I absolutely loved every moment, not only in this book, but in this book universe, would probably be the best way to do it. Every single character is memorable. You root for them whether good or bad, nice or mean, open or mysterious. Each will win you over in their own way and I’m just in awe at them all. Marcus was no different and I’m happy to have had so many questions answered. Can’t wait for more.


It just keeps getting better and better!!

I absolutely love this ENTIRE series. I never want this series to end!! So many twists and turns, heat and passion. You will become obsessed and won’t be able to put it down. Amazing!



I don’t have words for this book, OMG Willow you break my heart and put it back again. Delilah, Marcus and Cody’s story is an emotional roller coaster wow so many moments that you want to break something because the devastation is to much at that moment. The final book everything and more, you all going to love the villain of course. Thanks Willow for these amazing books.


An amazing finale

Did I seriously just binge the whole trilogy in 2 days? Such a riveting and engaging story of Delilah, Cody, and Marcus. I was so engrossed in their tale that I finished it in just 2 days. I didn't know what to expect from this trilogy but it blew my mind. Man, what they’ve gone through was seriously intense and it tied them into this riveting tale. I was the one who’s frustrated and stressed out for Delilah, she’s caught in between. There are just so many secrets, and lies. This was a great conclusion to a great series. I really enjoyed Marcus, Delilah and Cody’s story.



OMG! This is a MUST READ! And the plot thickens... What a magnificent ending to this trilogy! If you are a fan of Willow Winters, then let me tell you, you’ll want to read this book! I literally devoured this book! Willow Winters knows how to write a villain and make you fall in love with him. All three of these characters stole my heart! I am trying to wrap my mind around what happened in this book. What can I say, Delilah, Marcus, and Cody are full of surprises—I was flabbergasted with the unexpected revelations that happened, but it is jaw-dropping good! I am absolutely flippant over how fantastic this edgy, heart-stopping romance is. This story will keep you on the edge of your seat to find out what happened next. This story took me through several emotional gamuts and pushed all my buttons, boundaries. Not all of the surprises are pleasant ones, but there is a certain satisfaction in experiencing a thread that is so obstinately unexpected. After an incident occurs, Delilah is in an impossible situation where she has to show her strength or withered away and be beaten or die. Who will come to Delilah’s rescue? Will Marcus—the serial killer or ghost, or grim reaper, or angel of death as he has been called—a person that no one has been able to catch or know who he is, or will Cody—the FBI Agent come to her rescue? The love triangle is a web of lies, betrayal, rivalry, secrets, and love and desire that weaves as deeply as their devotion. With all the things going on with Delilah, Marcus, and Cody, I was holding my breathe because it was a tangled mess of lies, secrets, and betrayal. It was amazing and my blood was pumping like crazy reading this story. Willow Winters delivered a no holds barred romantic suspense story that grips the readers to the core. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book!
